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- 投影片
- Complicity and Resistance: Asian American Body Politics in Black Lives Matter by Wen Liu
- The End of Black Politics by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
- The Prison Fix: Review of Gold Gulag by Tony Platt
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Prison Industrial
- Inside Private Prisons: An American Dilemma in the Age of Mass Incarceration by Lauren-Brooke Eisen, Columbia University Press
- 現行的學校到監獄一條龍 The School-to-Prison Pipeline, Explained (Youtube)
Asian American
- 「反對Affirmative Actions因為黑人受益最多,排擠華人進入常春藤」這個論述,是違反事實的。根據統計:白人女性受益最多。參考 J. Button et al. / The Social Science Journal 43 (2006) 297–302
- 關於現在講到的亞裔&黑人之間的矛盾(由白人造成的),可參考這篇文章:The Real, Tragic Story Behind That ‘Roof Korean’ Meme You May Have Seen by Brittany Wong
- 中英對照關於 Black Lives Matter Infographics: TaiwaneseAmerican.org (持續更新)
- 中文資源「Black Lives Matter 小補帖」涵蓋原委、歷史脈絡、亞裔的角色、親子對話的建議等,供大家參考:http://shorturl.at/dfuxC
- Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong, Penguin Random House
- 北美台灣研究學會 NATSA 2020+1 @ UC Irvine 歡迎各位人社學徒們投稿
- 黑人與拉丁裔小孩在學校遭受的Policing與歧視,推薦這本民族誌研究:Punished by Victor M Rios, New York University Press
- 目前的教育制度也是白人制定流傳下來的,所以對於不同文化、人種的並不是很適合的。
可以參考這本書: Why Are
All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
And Other Conversations About Race
Beverly Daniel Tatum, Hachette Book Group
Bias in Data
- The Rise of Big Data Policing by Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, New York University Press
討論警察為了回應BLM如何引進所謂的「科學技術」Big Data的方法,彷彿機器不是Racist,但是這本書就是在講,Big Data的技術如何讓警察越來越Racist
- Weapons of Math Destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy by Cathy O’Neil, Crown Random House
US Election
- Joe Biden campaign ad (Youtube)
- Why do black voters support Biden? They just want to beat Trump By Theodore R. Johnson